Quality Management System Audit
Audit Management Software simplifies the entire auditing process, from planning and scheduling to performing the audit. What Audit Management Software offers you is an easy way to perform the most challenging and complex audits simply and more efficiently.
Quality Management System audit is one of the quality tools to assist organization to improve quality performance.
They are commonly used in the effort to diagnose, maintain and improve quality management system.
It is made compulsory for the organization to maintain their quality management system based on ISO9001 standard to undergo series of audit.
However, similarly to any other physical or conceptual system, they may fail to achieve the objectives set forth, to assess effectiveness and at the same time fail to recognized area for improvement.
Based on an extensive literature review, the issues relevant to quality management system audit and quality performance are examine, and discussed the several issues to identify the conceptual framework to ensure the quality management system audit deliver the results
There are three main types of audits: external audits, internal audits, and Internal Revenue Service (IRS) audits. External audits are commonly performed by Certified Public Accounting (CPA) firms and result in an auditor's opinion which is included in the audit report.
Simplify audit planning.
Why re-create when you can re-use? Audit Management lets you replicate your current audit programs to quickly plan upcoming quality audits. Standardized audit checklists and easy import capabilities prepare you to ask the right questions at the right time.
Improve audit management system efficiency.
Say goodbye to schedule conflicts. Automatic email notifications and calendar integration give you instant visibility into high-priority audits and tasks. Our audit management software even helps you delegate audits or assign a specific criteria section to the right auditors.
Don’t stress when your audit takes you to remote locations. Whether on a manufacturing floor, in a lab, or offsite at a remote facility, the SmartSolve® Mobile Audit software application gives you the flexibility to perform and review audits where a network connection may be limited or unavailable.
You can easily download audit records and log audit results, evidence, and findings offline during the audit, and resync with your enterprise system to complete your audit workflow tasks.
Manage audit findings.
You’ve just recorded a finding. But what happens next? Audit Management takes the guesswork out of documenting findings and follow-up.
You can rest assured that high-risk findings are automatically escalated for further investigation, while low-risk findings can be monitored for future recurrence.
Plus, the audit management system’s streamlined workflow simplifies responses for multiple audit findings.
Share your results.
With a single click, create a final audit summary or explore trends in your audit findings within our prebuilt dashboards, or build your own dashboards to analyze your audit data. Whether you leverage Smart Solve quality audit software's built-in reporting capabilities or the powerful analysis tools within Smart Solve Quality Intelligence, you can easily distribute reports to share audit results and trends throughout your organization. And, you can use all the time you just saved with our audit management system software to focus on continuous improvement.
Tailor, extend, and integrate your quality processes.
Audit Management is developed on Platform for Compliance. Configuration Tools, Platform Services, and Enterprise Integration capabilities make it easy to tailor, extend, and integrate processes as the demands on your quality management system grow. Plus, Pilgrim's secure, cloud-based deployment options and automated validation tools help your team get up and running on new processes quickly.